Access free online interactive resources, ready-made lessons as part of the Barclays LifeSkills suite of career and money related learning activities, to help raise pupils’ aspirations and develop the skills needed for their future.
Learning through a lens: careers in the curriculum
Health Education England have worked in partnership with the Academies Enterprise Trust (AET) and Forum Talent Potential to fund and support a project which provides real life context to learning.
Printable worksheet that pupils in Year 3 to Year 6 complete to reflect on their learning following a careers related learning activity that focused on S.T.E.M. careers.
Make sure everyone knows which way you’re heading: ensure all stakeholders understand you career-related learning programme by using this template to present it in a visual way.
Tips for how to embed career-related learning in your setting
Whether your school is just starting out on this journey, has made a start or already has an extensive programme in place, here are some tips and resources for you to consider, to help fully embed career-related learning in your setting.