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Careers Leader Toolkit - This toolkit is intended to be simple to use, helping Careers Leaders and others support and develop youth social action, to enable more of their young people to be active citizens in their school or college and wider communities.
Core Resources - These resources are designed to help you, your colleagues, other partners and young people understand:
- What youth social action is
- How it can benefit young people, schools, colleges and communities
- How it can support high quality careers education
- What provision is currently available in schools and colleges
- How to build on existing provision
- How to prepare for and reflect on youth social action.
Frameworks - Research shows that preparation and reflection are important aspects of youth social action.
If you are about to participate, or have recently participated in youth social action, you could use the following frameworks to support your planning and reflection on the activities you have undertaken.
Guided preparation framework - Questions about:
- Identifying a challenge
- Perceptions
- Identifying a response
- Developing knowledge and skills
- Wider links
- Impact
- Partnerships
- Access
- Progress and process
Guided reflection framework - Questions about:
- Identifying an activity/project
- Perceptions
- Identifying a response
- Developing knowledge and skills
- Wider links
- Impact
- Partnerships
- Access
- Progress and process