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Job Spotlight: Short 3-4 minute videos introduce different careers, linked to what children are learning in the curriculum. For example, we introduce the role of an astrophysicist in Year 5 when children learn about space in science. The videos cover what the job entails, required skills, relevant subjects, what's considered the best and worst thing about the job and interesting facts relating to that career.


Why Bother? series: Short 2-minute videos link three jobs to upcoming learning objectives in core subjects (Maths, Science and English). They’re designed to help children see the relevance of their learning to real-world careers, encouraging engagement and purpose in the classroom.


Guess My Job Activities: This activity challenges students to guess a person’s job based on clues in the video, using what they’ve learned from other MYPATH resources. It’s designed to be taught across KS2 classes simultaneously, encouraging discussions about careers both at school and at home. Differentiated worksheets ensure it’s suitable for all KS2 year groups.


Skills Sessions: We offer 2 full length lessons focusing on developing essential skills and addressing career-related stereotypes. These lessons cover professionalism and networking. They can be taught flexibly to fit into teachers' timetables or combined for a career-focused afternoon.


Assemblies: Whole school assemblies centred around themes in the primary calendar: Green Careers Week, Christmas… 


The free trial provides access to all our LKS2 resources. To access our complete catalogue, which includes resources for KS1, UKS2, and LKS2, there is an annual subscription fee of £400.00 per school.